I've just received an abused Ball Python (six years old), and there are no specialists in my area that I am aware of. I'm unsure of the sex, although I was told it was female but they weren't sure either. Are there some signs I can look for like a long tapered tale after the vent or a slight swelling around/after the vent or something like that? - On to the abuse part... She was kept in a VERY small cage and I'm afraid that she may have been stunted. I don't have a flex ruler so my best guess is that she's between 3 and 4 feet long. As I only own two other six month olds Balls, I'm not sure just how long she's supposed to be at six years. There doesn't appear to be any kinking in her spine, and aside from being EXTREMELY skittish, she seems to be in perfectly good health. Help, please, would be most welcomed.