What you've heard is true. Chondros are easier to tame than Corallus caninus or the emerald tree boas. Here is some other info.
1) Buy it as a baby from a reputable breeder or one that is already tame.
2) Never handle it in the evening or nightime hours...that is when the prey drive kicks in
3) Green Tree Pythons and Emerald Tree Boas have a HUGE array of thermal receptors on the front of their head and are VERY sensitive to this.
4) Green Tree Pythons are easier to tame than Emerald's however I saw an ad on Kingsnake.com lat week in the reptile classifieds for tame emerald tree boas.
5) Emerald tree boas have the longest/largest teeth for a non venomous snake. Their scientific name is Corallus caninus emphasis on caninus. They catch birds.
6) These are all specialized snakes with humidity requirements and can become sick overly handled.
7) If you get nitten the trick is NOT yanking your hand out as this can damage their jaws and and teeth and cause mouth rot.
8) They are both VERY arboreal and rarely come down from their perches so caging can be a plastic tuffy tote with a perch, etc.
Get in touch with: Kingsnake.com and go to their tree python section. Call and spend time talking with the breeder. Other sources include: The Basking Spot and on my site listed below: Reptilechannel.com
Also online search for Taming Green tree pythons and emerald boas.
Good luck...they are gorgeous!
Another animal to consider is a madagascan tree boa-