I know where your vet came up with the dog food idea.... (im going to date myself here but...) Wet dog food (many years ago) was a trend amongst amateur herpers that had an issue feeding snakes, the ywould put it in what is called a "pinkie pump" wich is a large metal surenge type pump, that you could load a pinkie in and literally as you squeezed it down would shoot the liquified pinkie insides into the snakes mouth, well the opening was large enough that dog food could also pass through it, and it actually sustained life because of the proteins and nutrients associated with dog food, still not a good idea, and definetly find a new, more up to date vet to bring your herps to. As far as feeding, if the snake is in a high traffic area, you may want to move it to another room, or a quarintine room, reduce stress by reducing activities around the animal. I strongly agree that frozen or pre killed mice are alot safer, but sometimes live is the only prey that may interest it. Start first with moving the snake, make sure its environment is correct (heat, water, hide spot etc, etc.) wait a few days until it has calmed down from the move and try another frozen mouse, possibly even move it around and tease the snake (with forceps of course) try the slap method mentiond above, or I even get a good response with literally, taking a pre killed mouse' head and running (sorta like a tickle) the length of the snake (down its back) this will stimulate attention and typically a feed response. then leave it alone, if this doesnt work, wait another day or two and try live, make sure you dont leave the mouse in very long with the snake, a couple hours TOPS, and try not to leave it unattended, it could definetly do damage via bites and scratches. Although it is typically breeding season for boas right about now, they dont have calanders in their cage and use the environment to cycle themselves, photoperiods, humididty and temps, and unless your promoting that environment, the snake has no idea if its late october or early march, so I doubt that to be a factor. anyway, good luck and hope this works for you and your snake.
if you have any further questions email me at ectothermicideas@yahoo.com
or www.myspace.com/ectothermicideas