I've recently received what appears to be a box turtle. I say appears, because it hasn't tried to bite me, nor anything else yet. I've set up a decent habitat for it. I've given it food, [Lettuce, carrots] and a little dish bowl. I've set up the turtles box to where he has the option of coming into the light, or staying in it's small little cave section i've made for it. I'm assuming it's a boy, and I'm naming him Bowser. Which is ironic, because he's pretty small, but not a baby. Not the point. Anyway, I read that new turtles won't eat for the first few days they are introduced to their new habitat. Though i've read this, I'm slightly afraid the turtle won't eat at all for whatever reason. As far as I know, turtle food is tomatoes, lettuce, hot dogs, tuna fish or carrots. Mainly vegetables.
Any tips? Advice, anything at all would be greatly appreciated.