1) Thats a tough one... asian rats, rosy boas, crocodilians, geckos and monitors are way up there.
2) I currently own leopard geckos, crested geckos, gargoyle geckos, a bosc monitor, a pink tongued skink, corn snakes, king snakes, beauty snakes, a gopher snake, a bull snake, house snakes, boa contrictors, rosy boas, sand boas, spotted pythons and a royal python.
If space and price werent an issue i'd have a nile monitor... possibly another boa; a female sunglow, red eyed tree frogs, rosy boa morphs, sand geckos, file snakes, tokay geckos, ridleys cave racers, mandarin rat snakes and thai bamboo rat snakes.
3) Alive today, the words *largest* species (going by mass) is the saltwater crocodile. The longest would be the reticulated python.
4) Alive today, the chinese giant salamander.
5) Snakes, then lizards, then crocodilians... but its still pretty close lol
6) I prefer reptiles. Amphibians are far more sensitive to their environment and should not really be handled... and i like to handle my animals.
7) Crocodile monitor or marine iguana
8) Rosy boa or banded sea krait
9) Olm
10) Mata mata or snake necked turtle
11) Gharial
12) Any hot or crocodilian, giant constrictors (afrocks, burms, retics, green annies etc). Yes, they are beautiful and as much as i would love to keep them... its not so much that i cant, more that i wont. I definitely wouldnt trust myself around major venomous species... even the most experienced keepers slip up sometimes - and thats all it takes... one slip.
13) Something to do while i'm eating my morning toast ;)
8/10 for questions.
As for answers... a lot of them were actually opinion questions so how you can choose best answer is beyond me