I just recieved a leopard gecko about little less then two weeks ago he is several months old under 6 months. My problem is I read some books about the ideal temperature being as high as 80-85 degree daytime and low as 70-75 degree night time. Some reason I can never reach the daytime temperature. I have a 20 gallon aquarium tank, a ceramic 100 watt bulb, 60 watt basking bulb that i switch, and another secondary heat pad (5x10) that is attached to the side of the tank. I dont know what I am doing wrong should I get a smaller tank or get a bigger patch because the highest I got from the digtal therometer was 80 degrees a few days ago. Although he doesnt seem to be too stessed out; He eats an average of 3 crickets a day and is quite active but I just want to see if i can do anything else to help the temperature.