Bearded dragons require lots of care and if you buy a baby you need to be able to hand feed it all the time and bottle feed it water...
I prefer the already grown adult bearded dragons...
They are nice, but they have very sharp claws and need a lot of heat in their cages and it needs to be a constant heat lamp for about 12 hours during the day, and have it off for 12 hours at night...
If you buy a timer it is best so if you are not home to keep up with the schedule, the timer will turn on and off all day without you there...
The dragons need sleep at night and are active during the day...
They need vitamins and water and pine bark litter and you need to clean up their mess all the time...
Unless you are very devoted to them, they will die if you don't feed them right or give them enough heat...
They like desert like conditions...
Adults dragons usually cost about $99 dollars and you need a tank to put them in plus a heat lamp, a heat pad on the bottom of the tank and a water bowl they can't turn over and a tree to climb on...