Truthfully I would have to go with ball pythons.
A) They are great beginner snakes
B) Yes they do have hunger strikes but it's nothing to really worry about. Ball pythons could go up to a year without eating. There are tricks to get them to eat....I guess
C) They don't get to big(6 feet max and that rarely happens)
D) They aren't pricey and once they big their feeders stay around $2-3 compare to red tail boas who's food is usually around $10 a week. And it's better to feed weekly then every two weeks.
E) Their tanks and cages basically stay the same throughout it's life compare to a red tail boa who needs a tank change every 2-3 years. My red tail boas goes through about 4 tanks and it's still growing so maybe 5 tanks through out it's life(150 gallon is still a little to small for it)
F) Easier to care for. Cheaper, less pricey, don't need but to much room.
What more do I need to say =]
I've own both red tail boas and ball pythons, and I really think you and your mom would do better with a ball python first. Don't jump into such a big snake first.
Hope this could help some how...if you need anything. Feel free to email me! I would love to help you out as much as I can. =]
Link for ball python: