Hi. I am OG and I need help with my leopard gecko. You see, I got him 11 days ago at the local Pets Mart. He was eating 5 crickets a night. Seemed healthy as can be. He has grown a little in the past few days. Well, last night was the fourth night he has not eaten. However, he is active as anything. He is always climbing things and going along the edge of his cage. I use paper towels as the bedding. I keep it above 80 degrees during the day with a lamp and heat pad. Light goes off at night. However I have seen it more on a rock then under its log the past few days. I do not know if it is annorexic because if it was would it not be so active? It just has denyed the crickets. Is it stressed? I have not seen signs of shedding. Today I plan on getting a fresh batch of crickets and some worms. Maybe a pinky? I need advice.