Azure Child covered sav basics pretty good. ;~)
Be aware that most of the monitor husbandry info out there will kill a monitor if used long-term. There a few good sources, but most of what you see on YouTube and those 1 pg care sheets is not appropriate monitor care. Here are a couple of links to some good info ~
One question you left out was regarding diet. Whole prey food items only please. They don't need eggs, dog food, canned monitor diets, or any of the other junk regularly fed to monitors. Stick with rodents and bugs, maintain the proper temps and substrate so that the lizard can properly utilize it's food.
I'd like to touch on a couple of your questions, though Azure Child already answered them, because you can't hear (read) this enough.
~Feed in cage. Use tongs for rodents, release bugs for the sav to chase and catch.
~Yes, your basking temp needs to be that high for a sav to properly function.
~Solid enclosures. HUGE solid enclosures with two feet of good diggable substrate (dirt).
~At least 1 hour of forcing yourself on your monitor daily will not keep it social. I know that there are those out there who would disagree with me, "but look at the YouTube vids!!". Monitors do best when allowed to come to you on their terms and not forced to submit to your will. Holding them against their will causes major stress and can easily cause your sav to "give up" ~ they will have given up and submit to your whims, but can also give up in the rest of their captive life, going off food and what-not, because of the stress. Stress kills monitors. Be a GOOD monitor keeper and realize that a sav is a great display animal, not such a great pet. They will come to recognize you and will eventually come check you out while you are cleaning the enclosure, changing water, checking emps, etc. Definite signs your sav is stressed by forced handling ~~ hissing, puffing up, trying to tail whip or bite you every time you get near, regurgitating, projectile pooping.
Keep researching before you make your purchase. Monitors rank right up there with igs as a cheap lizard to buy that is often neglected/abused because they do require a huge enclosure, a lot of food and are not cuddly little buddies if kept right.