Reptile owners, specifically snakes is there a cheaper way..?
2009-11-29 17:58:58 UTC
To start out with I knew that the day would come where I would have to get a larger tank and bigger/better accessories for my Ball Python and it would be expensive.

But I am wondering if there is a cheaper way like a website that I don't know about or something like that because I have done my math and getting everything through Petco is going to cost about $300 or more dollars.

I just want to update my tank, get a 40 gallon, and get bigger hides, water bowl, and more plants. I am planning on getting moss for humidity, humidity spray, shedding spray, medicine spray, and new light bulbs, probably like 120 watts or something around that. Also is there a way to buy mouse in bulk because 7 dollars for 3 mice is starting to add up especially when they run out of the 3 pack and I have to get 1 mouse for 4 dollars.

Please if anyone can help make this process a little cheaper it would be greatly appreciated!
Any websites would be awesome! Thank you so much in advance!
Nine answers:
chris b aka minguss
2009-11-29 20:44:06 UTC
Well storage tubs are fairly cheap. Sterilite 105qt Model# 1929 Measures: 32.13''L x 19.13''W x 13.75''H is about $10-$15. Fairly close in size to 40 Breeder Measures: 36.19"L x18.25"W x16.94"H

You can keep temperature and humidity levels with minimum effort.

For hides and water dish you can use cat litter pans about $4 each.

You can also make nice hides and land scape fairly cheap.

Heat tape ( Flexwatt ) is every cheap, only $2-$5 a foot, I use 2ft of 11" for my 4'x2'x2" wood cages my boas are in. It has to used with a thermostat, but it will be cheaper to run than 125 watt bulb.

You can get fake plants and vines at hobby and dollar stores usually cheaper than most pet stores.

With plastic tubs you really just setup like an other cages or aquariums
John S
2009-11-30 09:33:32 UTC

Yes, you CAN go cheaper, but you will likely have to give up some dearly held ideas about snake-keeping lol. If the hobby seems expensive, YOUR DOING SOMETHING WRONG.

Get the biggest tank you can afford off craigslist. People getting out of fish or reps will sell cheap - although they wont ask cheap. They will ask "a fair price, just what i got in it ...". Its YOUR money until you give it to them. INSIST ON A GOOD, LOW PRICE OR MOVE ON. Remember that the tank may leak, or may be cracked in a place not readily noticed, and if so, your buyer will NOT REPAIR. I am LOADED with free tanks that folks gave me. If I was inclined to buy a tank, I would not pay more than 30% of retail. Local TV station websites will also have a classified section, and this is a suprisingly good source for me to pickup unwanted snakes, which often come with enclosures.

Frozen mice are available at, and MANY MANY other places on the web. But you can also set up your own small mouse operation, and freeze them yourself when they reach the sizes you want.

Waterbowls? WALMART, 2 bucks. GOODWILL 50 cents. Heavy, large, flat-bottomed ceramic. Like a cheap CHEAP dog bowl.

Say whu? MOSS? I use sand YES SAND!! as a substrate. NO, contrary to what the uninformed posters will tell you, sand will NOT harm your snake. No, they will NOT ingest sand to form a digestive tract obstruction. BE A RESPONSIBLE KEEPER AND THINK ABOUT IT: when they eat in the wild, what are they eating off? Fine China? Paper plates? They naturally eat off dirt and sand, which they naturally expel to the extent ingested. If such was NOT the case, the snake would NEVER HAVE SURVIVED AS A SPECIES. Do NOT listen to these knee-jerk Know-Not posters. I've been doing this 20 years, and never had the impression that this was an expensive pursuit.

Here's more: I use hotrocks for heat. I have never seen a snake injured by a hotrock, probably because I bury my hotrocks IN SAND, which, as we all know, dissipates heat, giving the reptile a very convenient temperature gradient within which he/she can find a nice place to lay down. I submit that hotrocks are a good source of heat.

Here's more: I dont use hides. My snakes are there for ME to enjoy, and I enjoy SEEING them when I glance in the tank. I geatly enjoy HANDLING my snakes, and do so once a day, regardless of age. If I did not reap enjoyment by seeing and handling my guys and girls, I would simply let them go.

I use natrual appointments ONLY in the tank. No fiberglass or plastic garbage from PETCO. I strip the bark from fallen sticks, inspect for vermin, and wash in a 50-50 mix of white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Let dry before introducing to cage. Rinse if you wish. (This mixture BTW is an EXCELLENT disinfectant of bacteria, as good as anything on the market, without the perfumy smell. Use it to clean cages too. Also countertops, showers, toilet bowls, etc. Kills everything in its path.)

You can pickup suitably sized DECORATIVE rocks out of a creek, disinfect as above.

In a 40 gallon, a single hotrock may not be enough, and 2 hotrocks become cumbersome. Get an 8 inch metal round worklight - the silver kind - from harbour freight or lowes or home depot. My guess, 5 or 6 bucks. Purchase an infra-red bulb for it, and there's your heat source. For less than 15 bucks, your reptile has all the heat it needs. (Maybe too much, so buy a thermometer).

Skip the moss, the humidity spray whatever THAT is, the medicine spray 'cause your baby aint sick, and the shedding spray whatever THAT is. Keep a large, heavy, deep bowl of water in the cage, and with the heat lamp, the humidity will PROBABLY take care of itself. Buy a hygrometer just in case. Shedding is successfully accomplished in a relatively humid environment. Difficult sheds can be aided by misting WATER on the snake. Get a spray mister at the Dollar Store. For a dollar.

Skip all the "light bulbs." Dont buy em. But consider a UV light. Consider it, it may NOT be necessary.

I dont keep plants in my snake tanks. I tried it once when I first got snakes, and they just tore up the plants when they struck and the LIVE mice lol.

You can get your costs down very easily, and provide a more natural and pleasant environment for your snake at the same time.

Everything I have said here, everything you or the snake needs or wants, between 50 and 120 bucks, tops.
2009-11-29 18:24:36 UTC
I would look on craigslist for tanks and the hides and things as often times there are quality items on there for cheaper. Though make sure what you are getting is quality and the person is honest. You may end up buying some things from PetCo but if you use craigslist for at least some of the items you can save money. About the mice, it sounds like you are using f/t mice. If you are then there are online sites you can buy in bulk according to size. A good site is
e-x shredd
2009-11-29 19:00:26 UTC
im not a snake owner but there are ways you dont have to buy spray bottles just get empty one that your moms done with like the windex and clean em out with hot extreme hot water and leave em out to dry for a day you instead of buying a tank get one of those plasti storage bins and make it a tank. and all the electronic get em at petco and food is a necesity so just dont think about whats the total gonna be in a year just buy em.

there is a video on youtube that shows you how to do the to turn a bin into a tank and it looks pretty like it works.

im gonna try it soon for a corn snake
2016-04-07 02:20:27 UTC
"Love" is a strong word when talking about animals. Complex emotions such as love can only be seen in humans. Snakes don't exhibit what we would call "love" but there are several signs that snakes, and other reptiles can form close bonds with their owners. Most experienced handlers know that their snakes behave much differently when they are being held by other people than if they were being held by their owners. A snake may be nervous, irritated, or even aggresive when being handled by someone it is unfamiliar with, though relaxed and tranquil when being held by its owner. Snakes have less complex brain structure, though it is unfair to label them as "emotionless" as we can never see what a snake is thinking, only draw conclusions based on its actions. Even if they didn't, would that make you love it any less? A true herper loves their pet just as much as any dog, cat, or bird lover loves theirs.
2009-11-30 06:29:13 UTC
check craigslist ebay and various google searches... if you have the option go to a reptile expo, they are usually much cheaper than other places. Also petco and other petstores are pretty much the most expensive place you will find these things.

do you feed F/T or live... there are many sites that sell bulk F/T rodents. And once again reptile expos also have people who sell bulk F/T.

try ive never used it but its suggested on
2009-11-29 18:03:18 UTC
Have you considered a mesh tank? They are way cheaper than glass. I have one and it's worked out great for my BP and I. It's also a 60-Gallon, sooo... However, with the glass tanks and such, thats about right on for the prices. Exotics are cheap to keep, sorry I wasn't any more help.
2009-11-29 19:46:52 UTC
you can go to your local wal,mart and buy a 41quart plastic storge box and put a heat lamp over it jut dont put the lamp on the plastic. o also drill holes in the plastic for ventelation ive benn doin this for a wile now it helpful not having to carry a heavy tank around
2009-12-01 08:48:49 UTC
zilla reptile company makes inexpensive tanks for reptiles. also check out

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